Nami Tamaki's hands and Namie Amuro's Videos
I REALLY love the way Nami Tamaki uses her hands in her videos/dances.It's just so cool. I dunno what it is about her hands. Her weird motions and like...THEY'RE JUST COOL.
I used to think she didn't have a good voice but now i think its SOOO AWESOME. It's soooo clear and steady and just..yeah really good.
Here's two of her videos, Believe and Get Wild. These are some of my favorite songs, by the way.
yeah and watch her hands.
Believe - Dance shot. (ugh theres no regular version on youtube)
Get Wild
And Namie Amuro
If I ever became a videos would look just like hers.
I LOOOVE her videos. They're all really differen't and so cool.
I love how she never smiles. She thinks it looks sexy but i think she just looks bored.
Wich makes her look cool.She also dances in a really weird, lazy way.
Some of my faaavorites from her:
The Speed Star (this is kinda similar to nami tamaki's believe video, but better.)
Want me Want me
THATS ALL FOR TODAY. Got a new corey haim movie.
Very excited to go watch it and squeal a thousand times.
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